The Code of Conduct defines the principles and basic rules of our actions as well as our behavior towards business partners, the public and the environment.
Within the ASSMANN Group, we commit our employees and managers to these values through our Business Guidelines and live the standards of our Code of Conduct ourselves. These values of self-commitment range from anti-corruption measures to human rights and fair working conditions. At the same time, we demand a commitment to our Code of Conduct from all our business partners.
We are committed to strict compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. This includes, in particular, anti-corruption measures, protection against conflicts of interest, and compliance with labor, competition and data protection laws. Compliance is not just a legal obligation for us, but a central part of our ethics.
Respect for human rights is essential for us. We reject any form of forced labor and discrimination and are committed to fair working conditions. Our business partners are equally obliged to comply with these standards in their supply chains.
Transparency is essential for us. We encourage our employees to openly report concerns or violations of the Code of Conduct in order to find solutions together and maintain our high standards. This strengthens our commitment to ethical conduct and trust.
➝ Code of Conduct: Download here